• What kinds of lockers will you have for rent?

    That depends! Each set of lockers at each location can vary because of specific requirements. Some are standing lockers where you hook the wheel on a hook inside, and others are roll in lockers with a top and bottom berth. If you have questions on a specific locker location, head to the "Locations" page (top of your screen!) to view photos of each location and see what kinds of lockers are there.

  • When will you have bike parking garages?

    We are aiming to secure commercial leases for these starting end of 2025, with grand openings around spring of 2026.

  • Why should I pay for a locker when my bike isn't worth that much?

    If locking your bike outside overnight isn't a problem for you, that's great! Not everyone needs secure bike parking options. These options are catered towards people with expensive or bulky bikes they cant store inside, don't want left outside, or want to travel without a bike lock.

  • What will your prices for cargo bike rentals be? And trailers?

    We envision both costing around $35-70 a day, depending on maintenance costs and specific features of both.

  • What's the timeline on all this?

    Check out our "About" page for the latest on how we're delivering all these services ↑

  • I've got another question!

    You can reach us with the form below 🙂

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